Want to find builds for almost all archetypes in one place?
Welcome to Quincymccoy’s personal Deck Archive, a compendium of a post including all profiles, articles, videos, and more that I’ve created, piloted, and/or used over the past 9 years here on the site, organized alphabetically by archetype name. Feel free to use this as a reference point if you are interested in seeing if I’ve ever covered an old archetype before… or if you want a jumping off point to build the deck yourself. This list is also meant to eventually record every major archetype/theme/strategy in the game, so if I missed something, please reach out so I may correct that.
Archetypes/themes are sorted by alphabetical order below, and for themes I’ve covered multiple times, I’ll link all past profiles that apply. This list was last updated on: September 1st, 2022
Want me to prioritize one of the themes listed above? Feel free to private message me on the YGOrg Discord server, the comments section of any of my YouTube videos, or just post a comment in response to this article on our Facebook page with your ideas to keep under consideration! On most YGO-related communities my username is Quincymccoy, so feel free to reach out.
Hello everybody! I serve as Number VIII of the Organization; however, my primary role on the site is to generate non-news content! Let's keep the endless flood of profiles on undervalued archetypes flowing, shall we?